The X3 stations may have been originally designed to have moving bits on them, I don't really know, but the wheat farms for example look like they were originally supposed to have the growing area dome sections moving. X2 deals with this in a lot more pleasing fashion, and with the additional dangers posed by nebulae that will eat your hull or sheilds meaning you need to take care of where you send your ships, X2's wins again. The most glaring defficiency of X3 being the cloudy sectors where you can see the backdrop but not something 2Km away. In comparing just the look of X2/X3 I think X2 wins hands down. The stations in X2 have things happening on (and in) them, the nebulae and sector backdrops are nicer on the eye.
#X2 vs x3 reunion reddit series
Yeah, the plot cutscenes stand out as a little stilted, but the actual story you take part in is more engaging than the X3 continuation as well, even though I think the majority here are like myself believing the plot of the X series is only a tiny part of the whole. For a game several years older the X2 player experience is better than X3, even taking out the complex hubs and other X3 innovations. I have to say I mainly agree with the above comment. This thread has galvanised me into bunging X2 back on my system. I can only hope TC is all, or at least most of what X3 could have been to start with. Regardless, I still love X3 in spite its short-comings. As far as I'm concerned, X3 was mostly downhill from X2 - with very few exceptions. This took most of the available resources, with the consequence of a lot of broken eggs which never made it into the release basket.
Observe wrote:The way I look at it, is somewhere during early X3 development, someone decided to put all the Egosoft eggs in a new game-engine basket.