Of the saints that walk all night with no domain This one is kind of mystical, but has always moved me and struck me as a great example of keeping mystery in tact when singing about God. I’ve got several I want to post personally, but will dole them out gradually. I’m thinking this is going to turn into a way to find new music, too, since I LOVED that Springsteen line and hadn’t yet bought the album. In the next verse, when Rich abandons the city imagery for the countryside pocked with “stables, like the one that Christ was born in,” it feels like a deep breath of clean air. But my respect for Mullins deepened when I realized that it’s a picture of God’s blessing (rain) trickling down to the dirtiest parts of humanity (the city’s dirty alley), while our best efforts to show gratitude or give praise or live obediently are no more than filthy rags (smoke belching into the sky). (I kept picturing those Zebedee boys.) The imagery is so vivid and weighty that I loved it without even understanding it. I sang this song in the shower and on the stage for years before the aforementioned Aaron Tate pointed out that “the last sons of thunder” were raindrops. Okay, so “belching” might not be the most sonorous word to sing, but I think that’s the point. “Land of My Sojourn”, A Liturgy, a Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band

The smokestacks were belching back this city’s best answer Well, the first thing that popped into my head while I was exercising my freedom by eating that scrumptious pork was one of my favorite Rich Mullins lyrics:ĭown the brown brick spine of some dirty blind alleyĪll those drain pipes are dripping out the last sons of thunder “God loves that guy…” – Andy Gullahorn “That Guy” Reinventing the Wheel.Ĭontext around that line probably needed but when it first appears in the song it’s a sucker punch to the gut that sticks around faaar longer than you’d like it to. With my home in your hands To show all the people why,Įverything I do, It’s not enough for you.” -Caedmon’sCall (by Aaron Tate) “Not Enough” My Calm//Your Storm, Self Titled So I build a mount of Athos To shape your form against the sky “I mount up with waxen wings,High to reach the sun.Īnd I am no further than,Than when I first begun. So I suppose I’ll have to throw out a few here. I know this because we listent to Dreams about 9 times every Monday evening.įor me, this is a tough one (outside of “fat bottom girls you make the rockin world go ’round”) as there are so many great lines out there, some that I’ve just come upon, some that have been warm close friends of mine for years. “Well I’ve never devoured any octopus brains, or drunk any elephant sweat…” – Andrew Peterson “Dreams”Appendix M version If I asked my 5 year old daughter this question, it would have to be:

You cast your line and hope you get a bite…”
Speaking of brevity, I’ll stop writing about it and start doing it, giving an example of how to post:
If you have to post the whole song, do it, but I think brevity will be better here – and feel free to do multiple posts if you think of others. We’d love to hear from you, the readers (and even the other contributors), about those moments when you heard a song and went, “Ahh! how’d they do that to me!” I think it’s best to not necessarily post a whole song, but only the portion of a song that best represents the lyric. I imagine most of us who visit the Rabbit Room know the pleasure of being moved by a great song lyric, and if that’s you, then it’s time for you to share it with the rest of us. With writing on my mind, our conversation turned to our favorite song lyrics, and I told the fellas that we should write a post about our favorite lyrics of all time and ask others to submit theirs.

Randall Goodgame, Eric Peters, Andrew Peterson, and myself partook of some comfort food at Tommy’s – I had meatloaf while the other guys all had pork, I believe (though I tried to tell them they shouldn’t since Jesus didn’t eat pork.) I had the privilege of sharing a meal with 3 of my fellow Rabbit Room contributors the other day when I was in Nashville for a writing trip. "node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.Ever hear a song lyric that stopped you dead in your tracks, stirred something deep within you, or excited your imagination, or even made you chuckle with delight at the gift of the artist? I thought so.